Takashi Nakamura Presentation Response

Very interesting presentation! I hadn't heard of this director before, prior to listening to this. I like the aspect that his films have a more serious tone. I watch a lot of serious anime and anime movies, but almost all of them have at least a little bit of comic relief, so it's almost always pleasant to watch. I'm interested in the idea of one without any extra padding. I'm not sure that I'd love it, but I'm pretty open to trying out stuff I wouldn't usually go for!

I also agree that the art direction is very nice! I really like the 80's anime style, so it's very fun to see it come back in a more modern work.

Another thing that I found interesting is that he worked on so many other super famous works (Akira, Nausicaa, etc), before taking up the director role. I guess that's a pretty natural progression, but it just feels very impressive!


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